FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Most questions are answered in the FAQ, but feel free to contact us if you need additional assistance.

  • Why do I have to enter my address and telephone number?

    In case your email address is no longer valid and you are found by one of your friends, we need a way to contact you. Be assured however, your address and phone number will NOT be given or sold to anyone without your permission or a court order! The saddest thing that happens is when an email address is no longer valid and someone has been trying to find you. The Military-Brats Registry makes it possible for them to still contact you by sending us a letter which we will forward to you.

  • I changed my Email address and forgot my password. How can I update my record if I can’t login to edit?

    Just write to us by clicking on “EMail Us” in the header on any page. Be sure to give as much information as possible. Your old email address if you remember it, your first and last name (maiden name if), and any other identifying info. We will update your EMail address and send you the new login information. All change requests are kept on file so we can trace an improper request if necessary.

  • I have been a member here for years. Why won’t it let me login?

    Chances are your current EMail address is not what is in your record. If you remember your former address you can login using that address and password, then change your address so it is correct. If you don’t remember your login info, just follow the instructions in the previous question!

  • How can I support the Military Brats Registry?

    You can help keep this site online by purchasing books and other items in the Brat Store, or you can donate by clicking the “Make a Donation” button which uses PayPal, or go to the Brat Store and you will find a “Donations” section. If you are not financially able to help don’t feel bad, we understand! But if you are, please do your part to help everyone find and be found by their friends.

  • When I searched for myself I didn’t show up…why not?

    You probably entered too much information, or information that doesn’t match your record. Try entering only your first name in the “First Name” field, and your last (IMPORTANT: maiden name!) in the “Last Name” field. You will show up!

  • I entered my school or base in the search, but got no results. Why?

    You probably entered too much information, or information that doesn’t match your record. Try entering only your first name in the “First Name” field, and your last (IMPORTANT: maiden name!) in the “Last Name” field. You will show up!

  • I hate Spam…are you going to sell my EMail address?

    No, No, No! Let me repeat in case that wasn’t clear…..NO!! Your EMail address is used for your friends to contact you if they find you in a search, and for us to communicate with you as needed (usually once a month). But we don’t allow the use of your address by advertisers, and we DO NOT SELL it to anyone for any reason. That goes for your regular address and phone number also. Your privacy is a primary concern. You will NOT get EMail or phone calls or junk mail because you registered at the Military Brats Registry!

image of the Military Brat challenge coin