Very Strange Places

2023-11-15T18:17:33-08:00February 24th, 2007|Brat News|

Very Strange Places From Carol Darling: In the mid 1950's when my dad was stationed at Orleans, my parents decided to have us live as a French family in the countryside, rather than military housing. Mom fell in love with Chateau la Mouche an ancient estate home on the banks [...]


Comfort Zone Behind Those Gates

2023-11-15T18:50:58-08:00April 14th, 2006|Brat News|

A Comfort Zone Behind Those Gates From Pam Jackman, NZ Brat I didn't realize at the time but it really was a comfort zone behind those gates. My Dad was in the Royal New Zealand Airforce, having originally been in the Royal Airforce during WWII, and yes my Dad was [...]


They Spoiled Us Rotten

2023-11-15T19:20:26-08:00March 1st, 2004|Brat News|

They Spoiled Us Rotten From Naomi Mitchell Returning to the US from the Philippines aboard the troop transport in January 1947. What an adventure it was. My mom, sister, and I were the only 3 females on a ship full of servicemen returning from World War II. Many of them had not [...]

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