Military Brat Life Was Unique

Military Life Growing Up Military Book image

Pam Smith writes:

I was born into the military at Ft. Jackson, SC and my dad retired just after my 15th birthday. I have often thought back to my “military life” and have good and although not bad memories, some that I wouldn’t want my children to go through.

Military life was unique, waiting at the DZ’s for my dad to land so I could run out and get his helmet, traveling halfway around the world to Okinawa, waiting for months for dad to get back from Vietnam (4 times), attending 15 different schools from 1st grade to 12th, meeting friends and then losing them a year or two years later only to meet up with some of them again at another base. It was an experience I’ll never forget and don’t want to.

I didn’t know how different life was then until my dad retired. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Military Brat Life Was Unique